Where can data be found about how many ballots were counted, how many races, how much time did it take, how many people were involved? We need all those parameters to truly determine the cost and feasibility. The feasibility of hand counting is a function of how many races are being counted. If there are only a few races, that is doable, but some places have 30 or so races and that is a completely different ballgame.
The cost of counting teams of five will be determined at the county level, it depends on what your county pays election staff.
Precincts and polling locations are capped at 5k voters per precinct/ location unless consolidating precincts then youre capped at 10k/ location. Most locations get around 2-3k total voters, and more than half of those are likely early votes which would be counted at Central County by another counting team or two.
Most polling location counting teams will be processing a few thousand ballots at most on election night, it will vary by county and location depending on voter turnout.
So that is why I did not include the details of the small Gillespie County run, as you will all need to crunch the numbers based on your own county's turnout, cost of ballots, and staffing costs.
Signed at myvotecountsintexas.org -- and my prayer is that we return to at-precinct voting without machines, all paper ballots and same-day counting. Bravo on writing this essay.
Where can data be found about how many ballots were counted, how many races, how much time did it take, how many people were involved? We need all those parameters to truly determine the cost and feasibility. The feasibility of hand counting is a function of how many races are being counted. If there are only a few races, that is doable, but some places have 30 or so races and that is a completely different ballgame.
The cost of counting teams of five will be determined at the county level, it depends on what your county pays election staff.
Precincts and polling locations are capped at 5k voters per precinct/ location unless consolidating precincts then youre capped at 10k/ location. Most locations get around 2-3k total voters, and more than half of those are likely early votes which would be counted at Central County by another counting team or two.
Most polling location counting teams will be processing a few thousand ballots at most on election night, it will vary by county and location depending on voter turnout.
So that is why I did not include the details of the small Gillespie County run, as you will all need to crunch the numbers based on your own county's turnout, cost of ballots, and staffing costs.
Signed at myvotecountsintexas.org -- and my prayer is that we return to at-precinct voting without machines, all paper ballots and same-day counting. Bravo on writing this essay.